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Village Show

VILLAGE SHOW – Sunday 8th September 2024

Thousands of visitors would pour into the village of Radcliffe on Trent for the annual village fete and gala during the 1950s. Traditionally held on August Bank Holiday Monday celebrities from the period would open the show and also judge various categories. Vegetables, flowers, cakes and scones, jams and jellies all were on offer with cups and certificates being awarded. Attractions such as Punch and Judy, skittling for a live pig, children’s sports, veteran’s races for the over 40s, miniature railway, horse and pony rides and balloon races were all on offer. You could also find beauty competitions such as shapely ankles or outdoor girls where girls were judged on their beauty, physique and appearance. Unfortunately, there is no record of a local girl winning these competitions.

Refreshments on sale included a variety of sandwiches (actually only cheese and salmon spread!), fruit cake and of course lots of cups of teas.

At the end of the show, produce would be sold off. They were held on the extensive grounds behind the British Legion stretching up to the bypass. Mr Elwin from Hartwell House (now demolished) also lent his fields to ensure there was space for everyone. 5000 people were recorded as attending the 1950 show but the village excelled itself in 1952 when a record number of visitors came, 10,000. A fancy dress parade together with decorated vehicles would proceed through the village led by a local silver band and the show would then be declared open by the celebrity of the day. People such as Derrick De Marney, Guy Middleton, Major Draper (also known as the Mad Major due to his daring flying exploits) and the Duke of Devonshire. In the evening dancing would be held on the lawn in the front of the British Legion Hall.

Radcliffe on Trent is coming together to bring the Radcliffe Village Show back.

Events will include ‘The Great Radcliffe Bake Off’, a ‘Home Produce Show’, growing your own fruit and vegetables, ‘Dog Show’,’ and more……

This year will be the Village Shows 10th Year!!

The Categories to enter this year are below.   Please see the list of contacts to get in touch with if you would like any more information. (The list of categories will be added to gradually.)

Flower Arranging – Gerry Mills – Email  –

Sewing – Lorraine Foster

Poetry & Creative Writing – Barbara Deavin

Knitting – Monica Ryder

The Bake Off – Rachel Benzies –

Photography – David Graham

Horticultural Section – Community Garden

Art – Marie-Claire –

Garden – Nikki Farnsworth –

Children’s Crafts – Hannah

ECO – Recycling – Nikki Farnsworth –

Liqueur and wine – Jo Spencer



Registration for the Village Show is on Saturday 7th September 10am-1pm

Not able to attend on Saturday, we’ve got you covered!

Complete this form online by Saturday 7th September morning to register for your entries. Village show registration (

If you are entering more than one category, you will have to complete a form for each. Once completed look out for an email with your unique entry ID, attach to your entry and bring to the Grange Hall on Sunday morning 8-9.45 ready for the judges.

Horticulture category is separate, please register and bring your entries between 8-9.45am

Dog show registration 11.30 – 12.45 on Sunday.

Any problems please contact the office.